Games from paper for learning foreign languages. Download, print, play


Foreign language

  Foreign language
  Foreign language
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    Classic Board game for learning English. Download the image of the playing field and the rules of the game in the format of a document Word
DOWNLOAD char4colorfield.doc >>
    This Board game allows very reliably to learn 500 English words per week. Any other way you will not get such a result. Even a simple "memorization" will not allow you to memorize words reliably. The reason is that the "memorization" of the student reduced motivation. While the Board game "words" - on the contrary, the motivation is maximum.
    The game is absolutely not complicated. This is a common game-hodilka with the movement of the chips along the paths of the playing field. With a few additions to ensure the effectiveness of training. Students perceive these classes as a game, not as a study.
    The playing field can be printed from the file. But if you don't have one handy you can just draw with a pen and paper. Play will be no less interesting. Yes, and drawn the field might look very interesting
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    Foreign language
  1      2      4      5  
    Quote: Moderne standaard Duits is een West-Germaanse taal die afstamt van de Germaanse tak van de Indo-Europese talen. De Germaanse talen zijn traditioneel onderverdeeld in drie takken: Noord-Germaans, Oost-Germaans en West-Germaans. De eerste van deze takken overleeft in het moderne Deens, Zweeds, Noors, Faeroer en IJslands, die allemaal afstammen van het oude Noors. De Oost-Germaanse talen zijn nu uitgestorven, en het enige historische lid van deze tak waaruit geschreven teksten overleven is Gotisch. De West-Germaanse talen hebben echter een uitgebreide dialectale onderverdeling ondergaan en zijn nu vertegenwoordigd in moderne talen zoals Engels, Duits, Nederlands, Jiddisch, Afrikaans en andere.
    Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs  Irregular verbs Foreign language  Adjectives Adjectives
    Learn foreign phrases:
    Que Vous gagnez la vie? - What do you do for a living?

Foreign language

Homemade Board games out of paper for foreign English words Foreign language

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