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The description of playing cards. The cards by face value +1, +10, +15, +25 - add 1 - 25 points to your account. The cards by face value -1, -10, -15, -25 - diminish your account for 1 - 25 points. The card B - diminishes your account for some points (you should take a card from the pack and (even P and T) subtract its value from your account. If you pulled out the card B again, you should take the following card then). Card Z – deletes your account. Card P - premium. Adds 100 points to your account. Card T - premium of 1000 points; Card End - stop game. Game details  Players put their markers on the cards of a playing field. Point’s number, specified on the card under the marker, is to be added to the player personal account. Several players are allowed to put their markers on the same card. Attention! The markers of the players can be placed only on the bottom line of a playing field! Values of cards where players put their markers are added to their account (or are subtracted from the accounts). For getting the greater prize you can choose by yourself direction of marker move, to the right or to the left. You can move your marker for a smaller number of cards than is fallen upon the dice (but not less than for1). If you play with the partners, each player should throw a dice and move his marker. If there was fallen the greater number of points on the dice than the number of cells in the line of playing field along which you move your marker, the missing moves are made from the opposite side of the bottom level (line) of a playing field. |

Game Rules Before the beginning of the game you should have no less than 70 playing cards of various face values, markers and a dice. Under the arrangement with the partners you can use in your play greater number of cards and some markers. Game with several markers When the volume of your account becomes great enough to buy a new marker, you can get (before throwing a dice) an additional one at any time. For each marker 2000 points are to be written off your account. The number of markers, which you can buy, is limited under the arrangement with the other players before the beginning of the game. The acquired marker is placed on any card of the bottom line of a playing field. The corresponding value of the card, occupied by that marker, is added to your account. You should throw a dice as many times in succession as many markers you have.
After getting the additional markers the player throws a dice several times (according to the number of markers). If one of the markers is brought on card Z, the account of the player is deleted.
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License Agreement By clicking on the "download" links, downloading archives, or using this game, you are consenting to be bound by this agreement. If You do not agree to all of the terms of this agreement, do not download or use the game "Oflameron". You can freely change design of cards, manuals and markers; place and distribute them as any source of information, in any appearance; create and distribute software, Clip Art; use game in commercial objectives (for getting the profit) but only on the following conditions: - the name of the game, game algorithm and the face values of cards should be kept; - the game should contain the following text without changes: " © by Valery V SHmeleff / Moscow,Russia 1996-2004 http://www.oflameron.ru "; - the author should be notified about the use of his game by letter in English by e-mail  All trademarks and commercial labels which are placed on the www.oflameron.ru site, and do not represent the Project's property are protected by the property rights of their owners. All rights reserved. Warning: This game is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Non-observance of the copyrights (c) may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. Copyright (c) by Valery V Shmeleff Moscow/Russia 1996 - 2004 www.oflameron.ru |
Registered in Russian Federation RIPN 30 Nov 2001 |