Hand made game for foreign language learning. Free download, free playing


Foreign language free

  Foreign language
  Free download

    The teacher asks a table OFLAMERON of 6x6 cells. In the table, entered a few letters. The pupils in turn must add one letter and "search" is a foreign word.
    Each student writes a foreign word on the piece of paper. The words don't show up. Ie students can find the same foreign words. When the table is full, the game stops. Players should call the foreign words and their translation. Students accrue points for selected foreign words. The number of letters in the foreign words = the number of points. When the game ends, count the points and name the winner.
    Then the table with the letters you can use for another variant educational games.
    Foreign languages
    Each student adds one letter and can write the one word (if you find). When filled all cells in the table, the game ends. Count the points of each student and determine the winner. Game can be more interesting if you increase the size of the table.Such tables can be used in other ways. Read more ...
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Learn language free

Download free, print and play paper game for foreign language study. Foreign language

Foreign language