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Wiki scenario

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  Wiki scenario

    Perhaps you have never had to write a scenario for a movie or a motion picture. But you wanted to do it. A wiki scenario is a great way to try writing a real science fiction movie scenario. This is a large and complex process. To make it simpler, we divided the entire scenario into episodes. You can write your own few episodes as you are interested. There will be many episodes. When creating a movie, you can select episodes for different episodes of the movie.

    The first few episodes are already written and posted in the Word document, which can be downloaded freely. The original language of the document is Russian. You can translate it into other languages. and become a co-author of the scenario.
Read scenario desant_2020.pdf >> - Russian source text
    Any user can write a wiki scenario. Write your episode. It is enough to choose a unique episode number, use the specified characters and attach the episode to the scene and events of other episodes.
    The scenario of the film has a strong scientific and technical focus, similar to a documentary. The main goal of this scenario is to increase the interest of readers and viewers in scientific research and technological progress.
    You can publish the full scenario or individual episodes in any way, translate into foreign languages or create illustrations. All part of the scenario is free. The copyright for the created content is reserved.
    The main character in the scenario is Commando Jett. Jett previously worked in research and technology. Jett uses a new type of cyber robots with unusual properties.
    The second "character" in the script is Central Command, which has unlimited possibilities. The Central Command is interested in the amazing results of Jett's scientific work and wants to get complete control
    Virtualization of human consciousness, access to the "information field", the wave theory of time, the preservation of information in the "big bang of the universe", etc.
    The scenario in the cinema, as a rule, resembles a play and describes in detail each scene and the dialogue of characters with remarks. Sometimes the scenario is an adaptation of a separate literary work for cinema, sometimes in this case the author of the novel is also the author of the scenario (screenwriter).
    Screenwriter is the person who writes the scenario for the film. Sometimes several screenwriters take part in writing the same scenario before the director chooses the best option. Optionally, the author of the book writes a scenario when it is screened. This work is usually given to the scriptwriter, and the author of the work, if possible, is a co-author of the scenario or consultant.
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Wiki scenario

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